
Biofuels and Big Data used to decrease CO2 for A2B-online Container ships

Biofuels and Big Data used to decrease CO2 for A2B-online Container ships Biofuels and Big Data used to decrease CO2 for A2B-online Container ships

A2B-online Container, GoodFuels and We4Sea launch project to reduce shipping emissions

AMSTERDAM, DELFT, MOERDIJK 21 August 2017  A2B-online Container, GoodFuels Marine and We4Sea launch a collaboration project with the aim to reduce fossil fuel consumption and CO2-emissions for two A2B-online ships. Big Data technology is used to map the possibilities for more efficient shipping operations. The cost efficiencies achieved by reduced levels of fuel consumption will subsequently be used to deploy advanced, sustainable biofuels, by which the CO2 emissions will further decrease.


A2B-online Container B.V. offers reliable short-sea services from the port of Moerdijk to several ports in the UK. This collaboration project is in line with A2B-online’s ambition to further improve the emission performance of her ships. In the project, We4Sea will first map out the saving potential, after which GoodFuels Marine will utilize this saving potential for the replacement of fossil fuels by sustainable biofuels in a cost-neutral way.


The Dutch company We4Sea will monitor the ships ‘MS A2B Future’ and ‘MS A2B Comfort’ over a specified period. Data about position and shipping speed will be combined with technical-operations measurement data onboard of the ships, as well as weather conditions, wave heights, wind and current. This data is presented on a web platform, providing A2B-online with a clear picture of the actual fuel consumption of their ships and the potential for more efficient shipping. The trajectory is evaluated periodically to realize the optimal saving potential.


GoodFuels Marine is supplier of sustainable biofuels for among others the maritime industry. This high-quality alternative to fossil marine fuels is produced out of certified waste streams, which cannot be used for other industries or applications. The biofuels are directly applicable and can be blend with fossil fuels (‘drop-in’) and require no adjustments to existing engines or infrastructure. Biofuels in pure form can achieve a CO2 reduction up to 90%. The percentage of biofuels that will be added to the fuel mix of A2B-online depends on the saving in fuel consumption realized with the help of We4Sea.


Gerard de Groot, CEO at A2B-online Container explains: “Next to our customers, we ourselves believe reducing emissions is very important and with this project we hope to make a next step in this process.”


Isabel Welten, Business Development Manager at GoodFuels Marine: “This collaboration shows how solution providers together can create added value for the industry. 

The initiative is a great example of a ship owner who does not only pay attention to quick wins, but prefers a sustainable trajectory with a long-term perspective, in which energy efficiency is strategically combined with the phasing of renewable energy.


Dan Veen, CEO We4Sea: “In this project we want to prove that economy and ecology are a perfect match. Efficiency and emissions reduction can form a win-win situation.”

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