Amsterdam | 12-04-2017

De Jong Zuurmond and GoodFuels put to use the first on-site blending station for renewable diesel

De Jong Zuurmond and GoodFuels put to use the first on-site blending station for renewable diesel De Jong Zuurmond and GoodFuels put to use the first on-site blending station for renewable diesel

De Jong Zuurmond, together with GoodFuels and MAN, launches its first on-site Renewable Diesel (HVO) blending station in the Netherlands.

Beesd/Amsterdam, 11th April ’17 – In Beesd the Netherlands, De Jong Zuurmond and GoodFuels put to use the first on-site blending station for renewable diesel. The blending station is unique as any ratio of fossil diesel to renewable diesel can be blended on the spot. In this way, the desired CO2 reduction can be set per vehicle and per refueling  This empowers De Jong Zuurmond to service any sustainability ambition level its clients may have.


GoodFuels developed De Jong Zuurmond’s blending station in cooperation with Tokheim Solutions to comply with the growing demand for flexible and sustainable solutions. The renewable diesel that de Jong Zuurmond is going to use replaces fossil fuels without any adjustment to the trucks or maintenance schedule and is fully approved by MAN. In addition, this advanced biofuel satisfies the strictest sustainability requirements and reduces the CO2 emissions of the entire supply chain by 90%. The fuel is not in conflict with food supply or product of the palm oil industry as it is made entirely of waste streams. De Jong Zuurmond has chosen for a standard blend of 20% renewable diesel - thereby reducing its CO2 footprint of its entire fleet by 17%. According to the recent leading Dutch NGO “Natuur & Milieu” (Nature&Environment NL) factsheet, the advanced biofuels from waste streams that DJZ is using here is the best solution if electric and hydrogen trucks is not possible.


Sustainable solutions

At the end of last year, De Jong Zuurmond approached MAN-dealer ROSIERVANDENBOSCH for sustainable transport solutions. Central to this question was the ability to implement this solution, without additional investments into new vehicles and a large scale CO2 reduction. Together with MAN-importer a full range of possibilities was presented, among which HVO according to the EN15940-norm released by the MAN. MAN brought De Jong Zuurmond in contact with her partner GoodFuels, market leader in truly sustainable HVO biofuels.


Jeroen van Heiningen, managing director at GoodFuels Road & Rail: “We’re very pleased to have realized this unique project together with our partner De Jong Zuurmond. With this solution and combined with our products and services, De Jong Zuurmond will be able to distinguish itself in the future when providing sustainable solutions to her clients.”


Geertje van Hooijdonk, director a.i. of Natuur & Milieu: “De Jong Zuurmond takes a great step towards a sustainable construction industry, together with their partnership with MAN and GoodFuels. We are very pleased to see that De Jong Zuurmond has chosen for GoodFuels’ advanced biofuel from waste- and residue streams in order to truly make an impact on climate change.”


 Mireille Götz, manager business unit “Natuurlijk Kapitaal Rijkswaterstaat: “It is great to see that our partners in the supply chain have collaborated to support our sustainable ambitions. Rijkswaterstaat wants to reduce 20% CO2 by 2020 and wants to be energy neutral in 2030. De Jong Zuurmond can drastically reduce its CO2 footprint on its projects, enabling us to realize our sustainable goals before the planned dates. Seeing a solution that is so innovative and that pushes existing boundaries being implemented works stimulating and is highly inspiring”

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